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On Tuesday March 1, 2022, we met to discuss Chapters 1-8 of Permission to Feel. We started with a conversation about the Mood Meter that is in the back of the book. We asked, "How would you use this?" 

Here are the responses:

MEETING #2.png

Meeting #2 Recap

Marc Brackett wanted to get away from the historical notion that feelings are bad or good, positive or negative, and instead put them on different axes: a continuum of Pleasant/ Unpleasant, and a continuum of Energy (High or Low).


We visit and move from quadrant to quadrant all the time and throughout the day every day, but there may be one where we spend the most time or one that seems to be a more comfortable space.


In Meeting #2, we asked participants to share the quadrant in which they felt they spent the most time. We then asked them how they thought they would use the mood meter (see above for responses).

Chapters 1-8 Discussion

We then spent a few minutes discussing, with a partner or with the small group, what stood out to them in the first few chapters. After a few minutes of open discussion, we shifted to discuss the "roadblocks" that get in our way of expressing our true emotions, and we thought about what might get in the way of others expressing their emotions as well. 


There's a powerful passage from the text that introduces this idea well, on pages 124-125. 


Then, to finish the discussion, we asked for a bit of reflection:

“Think of a time when you felt truly listened to and heard, when you were given the permission to feel. . . . “ 

No one needed to share, but we asked them to bring an
experience to mind, as a reminder of what that feels like and what we’re striving to create for ourselves and others as we do this work.


We also handed out the Discussion/Reflection questions for everyone to use as a tool for their own work, and perhaps to guide discussion in their own circles where they might decide to share this work.

Lastly, we asked participants to drive our last meeting's agenda, by sharing things that they’d like to bring to the last discussion. You may do so via email or when you RSVP for the next meeting.


We hope to see you on April 5th!



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