The Community Big Read is back! We are so excited to bring you the District’s third Big Read experience with the best-selling book, Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic -- and What We Can Do About It by Jennifer Breheny Wallace. In Never Enough, the author “takes the reader on a journey into the heart of toxic achievement culture and offers practical, actionable solutions for families, schools and communities.” Amidst concerns about the stress and pressure that our young people (and the adults in their lives) face, this text seems like a timely choice.
Ten years ago, a faculty group here at the high school formed to support the mental health and wellness of our students through education, conversation and collaboration. The group is called FM Zen, and one of the initiatives of this group each year is a summer professional book read. FM Zen brought us Big Reads in 2019-2020 (How to Raise An Adult by Julie Lythcott- Haims) and in 2022 (Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett), and following their summer read and work with Never Enough, they are excited to bring it to the larger school community in a meaningful way. There is power in relationship and in coming together, and that’s what makes the Community Big Read an experience you won’t want to miss!
The Big Read is open to all adults in our community -- it consists of a Kickoff Event on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 from 6:30-8:00pm, and then two other meetings (December 3, 2024 and January 14, 2025) where the format is guided group discussion and sharing.